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Retail operators

Yettel Hungary

Yettel Hungary, the second largest mobile telecommunications provider in Hungary by both revenue and subscriber market share, is a pioneer in mobile broadband technology in Hungary and among the best 10 4G LTE networks worldwide. 

Yettel Hungary offers mobile services to both consumer as well as business customer segments, on both prepaid and contract bases. 

e& PPF Telecom Telecom Group’s share in Yettel Magyarország Zrt. is 75%.
As of March 2024, PPF Group held 25% stake in Yettel Hungary through TMT Hungary Holdco B.V., a company outside the perimeter of e& PPF Telecom Group B.V.


In 2018, the Group agreed to purchase Yettel’s assets in Central and Eastern Europe. After obtaining the necessary regulatory approval, the transaction was settled at the end of July 2018. Following the closing of said transaction, the Group became the sole owner of Yettel’s assets in Hungary, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and Serbia. Yettel has been active in Central and Eastern Europe for 25 years. It entered the Hungarian market in 1994 as local operator Pannon.

Country Manager: Igor Přerovský

Country facts

population (Dec 2017) 9.8 million
ownership by PPF since 2018

Operational results

Yettel Hungary 2023
employees 1,665
mobile subscribers (thousands) 3,701
mobile ARPU 14.4 €/m

fixed broadband subscribers (thousands)

Pay TV subscibers (thousands) 29

Financial results

in EUR millions 2023 2022 2021
Total assets 794 777 710
Revenue 615 541 545
EBITDA 126 108 132
CAPEX 27 171 16
* based on audited financial accounts

Country facts

Operational results

Financial results


Yettel Hungary

Pannon út 1
2045 Törökbálint